Earplugs For Flying
Are your Ears Flight Ready?
The constant changes in air pressure can be extremely uncomfortable, and even painful for some people. You can purchase your flight plugs for the whole family from us at K&M Hearing Solutions:
Flyfit for adults £15
Pluggies Kids £15
We also have Muffy noise protection headphones from age 5+ to protect against harmful noise and aid concentration £29
The constant changes in air pressure can be extremely uncomfortable, and even painful for some people. You can purchase your flight plugs for the whole family from us at K&M Hearing Solutions:
Flyfit for adults £15
Pluggies Kids £15
We also have Muffy noise protection headphones from age 5+ to protect against harmful noise and aid concentration £29
Custom Made Ear Moulds for Flying
We also offer custom made protection for flights:
Flight Ear £149 Flight music shield £250 (Bluetooth enabled) A charge of £35 for the Impression Consultation is also applicable |