Is your hearing aid not working? Don’t worry, many common issues can be resolved with these simple troubleshooting tips. In this article, we provide a hearing aid troubleshooting checklist to help you quickly identify and fix common hearing aid problems. From distorted sound and feedback issues to how to handle moisture damage and Bluetooth connectivity. Plus, we’ll explain when it’s time to seek help from a hearing professional and answer FAQ's to keep your hearing aids functioning at their best. Let’s get started!
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Smoking is well-known for its harmful effects on lung health, heart health, and overall well-being, but did you know it can also impact your hearing? Lung cancer is a well-documented health risk associated with smoking, providing a broader context for the discussion on hearing loss. Research has shown a surprising connection between smoking and hearing loss, raising important questions about how this habit affects your auditory system.
In this article, we answer common questions and find out how and why smoking affects yours hearing, including information on the dangers of passive smoke exposure, and if vaping is really a safer option like its being advertised. If you experience tinnitus you may have become tired of the ringing in your ears! Sound enrichment for tinnitus can help. This method uses external sound to lessen symptoms. In this article, you’ll learn about various sound therapies and how they provide relief.
Key Takeaways:
Ear syringing, often referred to as ear irrigation, is a procedure used to clear excess earwax or debris from the ear canal. (This can include food or insects!) It involves using a syringe filled with a warm saline solution or water to flush out the ear. This treatment is primarily performed by healthcare professionals, it is generally safe and effective when carried out correctly. Excess earwax, also known as cerumen, can accumulate in the ears, potentially leading to discomfort, hearing loss, or an increased risk of infection. Ear syringing helps to prevent these issues and maintains overall ear health. This article will help you understand why you may need this treatment plus the risks, benefits and costs associated with ear syringing.
Sudden hearing loss without warning can be a distressing experience, leaving individuals feeling disoriented and anxious. Whether it occurs in one ear or both, it can significantly impact communication and quality of life. We are here to explain what to do if you experience sudden onset hearing loss, firstly it is important to act quickly and seek medical attention, we recommend calling your GP or the NHS helpline on 111. Understanding the steps to take and why abrupt hearing loss occurs is crucial for effective management and speedy recovery. This article will explore the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures associated with sudden hearing loss.
At K & M Hearing Solutions, we understand how important healthy hearing is for feeling yourself. If you're experiencing discomfort, hearing things muffled, or feeling like something's stuck in your ear, it might be because you've got too much ear wax. Luckily, getting ear wax removed with microsuction is a safe and effective way to clear up your hearing. In this blog post on microsuction ear wax removal, we’ll go over everything you need to know including, what microsuction is, why it’s a great choice, and answer some common questions you may have.
There is more choice now than ever as to where a person can go to see a hearing specialist. When booking a consultation with your specialist, it can become confusing as to which type of specialist is the best to go and see to meet your needs. During this discussion, we will talk about the different job titles in audiology, what qualifications to look out for, and what this then qualifies them to do in terms of service provision and procedures. I will also discuss what courses I have undertaken and what this qualifies me to do. - Kara Butterworth Snr Audiologist and business owner at K & M Hearing Solutions
What is ear candling Ear candling, also referred to as ear coning, involves inserting a hollow candle made from fabric and wax into the ear canal and igniting the exposed end. It is believed that as the candle burns, a vacuum effect is created, drawing out earwax and impurities from the ear. This method appeals to many due to its simplicity and non-invasive approach, find out why the cons far out way the pros in this blog as we explore the dangers of ear candling to remove ear wax.
Apple Inc. is one of the world's largest technology companies, known for its innovative products and services. Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple has grown into a global leader in consumer electronics, software, digital services and now hearing aids?!
Hearing aids play a vital role in the lives of those with hearing impairments, significantly enhancing their ability to hear and enjoy life. However, many people wonder, how durable are these devices, how long do hearing aids devices last and what are some common issues when using them. In this blog post, we cover the average lifespan of hearing aids and address some of the most common questions related to using these hearing devices.
AuthorAll blog content has been reviewed and approved by our team of expert audiologists, ensuring you get the most reliable and up-to-date information. Find out more about us here. Archives
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